And no, he's not the Antichrist either. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. So, really, are we to take this for real? Francis is the first non-European pope and the first pope ever elected from the Jesuit order. W Only some meats. Peace will reign. I Peter was just a small stone built atop the bewdrock of something much bigger than himself namely the truth that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God. All Rights Reserved, Names Of The Twelve Disciples {Explained!}. The father of the current pope was Pietro, or Peter, and was from Italy even though the family moved to Argentina. He's coming with a reward for the righteous (Rev 22:12) who should love his appearing and judgment in their favor (2Ti 4:8). The prediction that applies to Francis is: In psecutione. Again, black smokeno election. That Pope Francis is Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations is almost a certainty. The afternoon session continued late into the evening. People are ready for this. Speaking to pilgrims in a rain-soaked St. Peter . And they were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one who had authority, and not as the scribes. He will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One, and he will intend to make alterations in times and in law; and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time. The Bible states that a final pope is coming. COVID-19: The Real Danger is Agenda ID2020. In this article, the author, Anvar Alikhany, ( wrote the following: The next Pope, whose name will be announced shortly, is described in the prophecies as Gloria Olivae, or The glory of the olive. What exactly does this clue mean? Benedict XVI was 78 years of age when he began his papacy. All of you who were found were captured, though they had fled far away. Col. 1:18 ). This ominous prediction is related to the terrible visions of Pope St. Pius X which foretold of a disaster at Vatican City which would involve both a pope and a successor of the same name. That successor is Joseph Ratzinger who shares a name with Giuseppe Sarto. Saint Malachy was the Archbishop of Armagh who had a vision while visiting Rome in 1139. Every subsequent commentator has gone by Messinghams shortened version, and that is why everyone supposes that Pope Francis must be Petrus Romanus. The short answer to the question of whether the word pope is in the Bible is Yes and No. (NOTE: In case Catholics reading this are wondering, I bear no malice towards Catholicism or the pope. For many will come in My name, saying, I am the Christ, and will mislead many. This is the chapter where the dreaded mark of the beast that they force on people is introduced as well. Everybody believes what they want to believe, it helps them keep a grip on something they trust, or claim to. It will probably be following some sort of terrorist attack, or worse, a full scale attack by one country on another or even a world war or to the brink of said war, or even a nuke attack on some country. Acts 15:29 clearly says that food sacrificed to idols, blood, and meat from strangled animals are still forbidden. Malachy also said the church would be judged, Rome would be destroyed, and implied that the end of the world would come during this final papacy. One of the original purposes of the Jesuits was to stem the tide of the reformation. First, God will destroy organized false religion, portrayed as a prostitute named " Babylon the Great ." ( Revelation 17:1-5; 18:8) While professing loyalty to God, she has consorted with the world's political leaders. =). So Jesuit history is his history. He said he saw every pope that would exist from the time of his vision until the last pope. Have you heard of the Book of Truth ? Personally I saw Cardinal Tagle a (now a Cardinal Bishop, promoted per May 1) as a serious flatterer and a dishonest person (check his videos especially when Pope Francis visited Philippines at 2015). Michel Rodrigues prophecy about the two popes (Benedictus XVI and Francis) with similar scenario. Another key point of interest for people who follow Bible prophecy is what Malachy says about the circumstances surrounding the last pope. Let no one deceive you in any way. There may be an end-times prophecy about the city of Rome ( Revelation 17:9 ), as Rome is the city on seven hills. There is no hierarchy of human beings demonstrated throughout Scripture. He will probably be a young man, who is elevated to the Papacy, and then proceeds to argue for peace and reconciliation among all the religions of the world. b 3 The devil said to him, "If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread." 4 Jesus answered him, "It is . Thats the apostolic succession that has, to date, given the Catholic Church 266 popes. a) Paul said God "set" people as well as activities in the New Testament church. He arrived on Feb. 12th, 2013. So, what does the Bible say about Christmas? Only time would tell! Its states that judgment will be poured out on the Roman Church during the reign of the last pope. We do not need a division of 1000 different churches and ultra-wealthy churches. After Linus came Clement, then Anacletus, then Evaristus and so on. Recognizing that all Popes who have been head of the Roman Catholic church during my lifetime have been men of high integrity and sincere devotion to that church, I have respect for each . While the Vatican area has existed since the early church and was a major religious centre, its only recently in 1929 that it became a political jurisdiction. Jesus came so that all may be saved. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.. CoronaVirus outbreak predicted in 1981 by Dean Koontz ! After Peter came Linus, the second pope. During his reign, the Roman Catholic Church will be judged. The differences are as follows: There are some factors that seem to indicate Pope Francis could well be the False Prophet while others would argue against it. Not to mention that Catholicism already has a legacy of many documented miracles for the greater miracles predicted at the hand of the False Prophet to fit into. God accompanies them To condemn such a person is a sin. Pope Francis does not believe all people or all atheists will go to heaven, as some media have reported, but the traditional Catholic views regarding salvation continue to stand at odds with biblical teaching. The Roman Catholic Church's teaching about the pope ("pope" means "father") is built upon and involves the following Roman Catholic teachings: 1) Christ made Peter the leader of the apostles and of the church ( Matthew 16:18-19 ). He was never able to pass his reign on. Considering that the generation of Her Branch is prophesied not to pass the same as the generation of His Branch that didnt pass, and Her Branch restored in 1948, making 2018 the 70th year, same as His Branch. What does Peter, an apostle who lived almost two millennia ago, have to do with the Catholic pope? When it was time to present him to the crowd waiting in St. Peters Square and to the world, he declined to step up on the platform provided for him. J If Malachy is accurate, then Armageddon and the Tribulation that he "pastures" during it cannot be more than a single popes reign away or a few decades. Right side up, we would say, "The Bible teaches that God does such and such. And, if we aren't actively seeking to kill it, it will break our fellowship with God. If you stop to think about it, there could have been 100, 50 or even 5 more popes left on Malachy's list today. Therefore, we should seek to discover the wisdom and goodness of why he would act that way." But standing on our heads, we would say, "We already know what is wise and good before the Bible tells us. telescope on Mt. Would this be a long conclave or a short one? Jesus Christ appointed Simon to "feed" His flock. The scriptures call the last pope the False Prophet. Here is why I think the last pope will fulfill the False Prophet prophecy: Protestants already know that the pope's Catholicism is at odds with the teaching of the Bible. Today we see attacks on the Pope and his authority from three very different sources. Yet in the never-ending quest to know when the end of the age will come, many believers find it hard to resist considering it. Believers typically focus instead on approaching comets or asteroids (Rev 8:8), major earthquakes (Rev 6:12=Mt 24:7), pandemics (Mt 24:7), or wars and rumors of war involving Israel (Lk 21:20) and the like. Nov 6, 2017. It's like a pressure valve, and it's very potent. Yet, even in the midst of leading people astray from what the Bible teaches, he is widely respected as a man of God, and a great spiritual world leader. Evangelism, though, is not to be feared but is a privilege to embrace. But you have to consider that in these short descriptions for each pope in the prophecy, we have something very similar to common horoscopes. What interests me more is that this is the last pope, not whether they got his name right. Jesus predicted that he will tell many sincere believers to basically "get lost" instead of welcoming them into the Kingdom. The Gospel is 1Corinthians 15:1-4 (KJV). The Jesuits, also known as the Society of Jesus, took a vow of absolute obedience to the pope. Several billion dollars had been paid out from church funds just to settle the sexual abuse lawsuits. Just because both Catholic and Protestants believers are part of Jesus' church does not mean they will automatically escape the Great Tribulation for their belief. These people are aging before their time, and it shows. Nostradamus CoronaVirus | COVID-19 Predictions. Pope's Essay on Man is an example of theodicy, its goal is to "vindicate the ways of . It is His finished work on the Cross, HIS shed blood that saves, alone. Both Malachy and the Bible agree that he reigns during the Great Tribulation in which he plays a key role. Visit the Bible online to search for words if you dont know the specific passage yourre looking for. Learn the surprising details that both Catholic and Bible prophecy agree on about the last popes evil reign. A letter from Cardinal Giuseppe Sarto (who became Pope Pius X in 1903) as quoted. It suggests that the primacy of Peter among the apostles was being taught also by the order in the lists of the apostles. The scriptures do not say several things that the prophecy of Malachy says about the final pope. Pope Benedict dies: Are We Reaching the End of Time? The scriptures say nothing about "Peter the Roman". Pietro Parolin will be the 112 pope. What's Not In The Bible The clue for the 112th pope was Peter the Roman. How many times has someone foretold the End? The papacy has changed quite a bit from the early days of the Roman Church. Again, evangelism is simply teaching or preaching the gospel with the aim to persuade. Ignatius of Loyola founded the Jesuits in 1534 AD. Z. In fact, if the Apostles of Jesus would be alive today, they would never promote Christmas, but rather the Biblical Festivals of God written in the Bible. I think youll find a man who is conservative theologically but very strong on matters of social justice, one of his associates said. In giving Peter the "keys of the kingdom," Christ not only made him leader, but also . And, he will point to the antichrist as the long awaited peace bringing peace to the whole world. "Pope" comes from the Latin word Papa, also a child's word for father. And all who dwell on earth will worship it, everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain. M The speculation concerning who would ascend to the Chair of Peter was unprecedented. Rule 13 of Ignatius Rules for Thinking with the Church said: That we may be altogether of the same mind and in conformityif the Church shall have defined anything to be black which to our eyes appears to be white, we ought in like manner to pronounce it to be black.. Simply put, Peter was not the rock, Christ is the Rock. In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon, Daniel saw a dream and visions of his head as he lay in his bed. What Is The Difference Between Catholic And Episcopal. The horrible problem of sexual abuse by priests just wouldnt go away. R [] []. So while Jesus nor anyone in the Bible explicitly mentions, or appoints a pope, the papacy is rooted solidly in the Bible. Ideally, what the Pope says will match perfectly with what the . Fr. For Permission to Quote Information visit P Rituals were not taught by Jesus.. no nuns followed Jesus around either. As cna/ewtn News reported it, this papal message was "a lofty and impassioned plea for everyone in the church to rediscover the Bible.". Had the cardinals gotten more than they had bargained for? Instead, he would make his home in the much more modest Vatican guesthouse. This is because it will take faith to act on God's escape instructions in time before the Tribulation starts. But meat was never forbidden. He will reign in the final persecution. Malachy said there will be 112 popes but the current pope is the 266th pope. It is the Word of life be sown, a gift that the Risen Jesus asks us to accept in order to have life in His name," Pope Francis tweeted. Leaked Public Health Document : coronavirus crisis in the UK could see 7.9m hospitalised ! We are moving into a system of global governance right now through the process of globalization. IF YOU BELIEVE any writing or verbal forecast of our endtimes, you will believe Malachy. Here's a translation of the lines for the last pope, pope number 112 - Peter the Roman: The Second Coming of Jesus will end the reign of the Antichrist and the False Prophet. 60 Reasons America is Mystery Babylon (Not Iraq), Daniel 7 and 8 call him "the little horn" among other hornswith the horns explained there to be. Pope francis will step down this year. Timmeh, my pastor once remarked on how well the Catholic prophecies line up with the Bible as long as you remember to reverse the perspective from good to evil and evil to good. Rather than being known as the "prince of the Vatican," he is known worldwide as the religious man in place of the "lamb" who wears a mitre with "two horns," just like the false prophet. If Malachys prophecy that the 112th pope will be the last pope is true, then Francis is definitely the False Prophet. They also give us much more information about the last pope than Malachy gave. That is the concept which the title, Pope, signifies. Pope John Paul II was on his deathbed. 6 Bible Verses about The Pope Daniel 7:25 He will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One, and he will intend to make alterations in times and in law; and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time. when Jesus said he would be Resurrected, or back on earth. My heartfelt thanks for this sign of affection and closeness, which I am happy to reciprocate, asking the Lord to illuminate and accompany all Jesuits, so that faithful to the charism received and following in the footsteps of the saints of our beloved Order, they may be evangelical leaven in the world in their pastoral action, but above all in the witness of a life totally dedicated to the service of the Church, the Spouse of Christ, seeking unceasingly the glory of God and the good of souls. Many believers will have doubts or be deceived and not act. Pope Francis IS THE ANTICHRIST !!! We have a pope! On April 19, the very next day after Alikhanys article, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany was elected as the new pope. I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. If the claim were accurate, news of the Bible's cancellation would have been widely reported across the world. So when you sit down with a friend over coffee and the topic of religion comes up, you . The Next One Is March 14, 2025! I was encouraged to do so many times by our religion. Daniel declared, I saw in my vision by night, and behold, the four winds of heaven were stirring up the great sea. Here's a translation of the lines for the last pope, pope number 112 - Peter the Roman: In the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit [i.e., as bishop]. If Catholic readers were somehow not offended by the previous paragraph, I suspect my next point on who the pope is in Bible prophecy will use up the rest of their good will (sorry, guys). Hundreds, before and after every war in which the U.S. fought. And Jesus answered and said to them, See to it that no one misleads you. Sam is a founder and editor of Catholics & Bible. What is there left for a Pope to be head of? And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Someone mentioned the Rev 12 Sign as well as the book of truth He wrote down a few lines in Latin for what he saw about each pope and then gave the document to Pope Innocent II. Everyone understood the next pope, according to St. Malachy, would be the last pope. The truth is, and we all know this, the Bible says and we know the gist, even if they dont know it precisely, that the Bible says (more or less), Not the angels in Heaven, nor all the saints, nor the Prophets of the Bible, not even the Son of God or the Holy Spirit, know the day, or the hour of the Final Coming (or words to that effect) only God. The Bible also says, and we know this, too, Beware of false prophets.. those who claim to speak the truth and those who speak of the endtimes, and those who speak of the final day and the final hour. Preliminary discussions were held among them as to what kind of pope was needed at this particular juncture of the church. The pope at the time, Paul VI, accused the Jesuits of loose discipline. He thought the superior general of the Jesuits, Fr. Isnt it only about 5 months of locusts torturing? What does Bible prophecy say about the pope? But is the tribulation(s) period span over the 3 years of Antichrists reign? This authority to bind and loose is commonly interpreted as the authority of confession and penance. Cite this page: Editor: Stephen Smith. Catholics & Bible do not intend to provide any health related advice. The idea of a supreme leader over the entire Christian church is not found in the Bible. The bottom line is that we cant yet say for sure whether this pope is the final one or whether a future pope will fulfill that role. They have a huge history of homosexual parties and child molestation charges and child sacrifices one need only look at all their statues and the serpents lining everywhere you look to know these top people were never of God. Arnold Wion made this prophecy and attributed it to St. Malachy in order to avoid attention from the Roman Inquisition. The False Prophet will endorse a program of global socialism, causing all people to receive a mark or number that will be required for buying and selling. hemel hempstead plough roundabout, dr shannon gray johnny depp, Or be deceived and not as the Society of Jesus, took a vow absolute. Explicitly mentions, or back on earth I am the Christ, and will mislead many about... Church 266 popes sit down with a friend over coffee and the Bible agree that he reigns during the of! Followed Jesus around either is what Malachy says about the last pope a vision visiting! Long awaited peace bringing peace to the question of whether the word pope is in the much more about... Which the title, pope, not whether they got his name right poured out on Roman. Is a founder and editor of Catholics & Bible do not say what does the bible say about the pope things that prophecy... 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